Saturday, November 17, 2012

Julia's Picks: Breaking Dawn Part 2

I’m not ashamed to admit that last night I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 2. Yes… I went to see it opening night. While the first movie remains almost unbearable to watch, I must report that the final installment was quite entertaining. Aside from a few campy moments (the love scenes, the “hunting” scenes, and every moment the Volturi were on screen), I was happy to see that Breaking Dawn didn’t take itself too seriously.

Since Edward and Bella become parents in the final chapter of the Twilight Saga, it seemed fitting to draw inspiration for a nursery. My personal fave is the modern crib. It would look perfect in the ultra-modern Cullen residence.

**Coming soon to French Toast

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Countdown: 7 Days Left!!

Well, we have a week to go before Thanksgiving arrives. I know people say this all the time, but I really can’t believe how fast the Holiday season has come this year. This year, for the first time, my fiancĂ© and I are hosting Thanksgiving for my family. I’m pretty sure my Grandma (who usually takes care of everything) thinks we are going to fail since she keeps offering lots of help! With only six prepping days to go, I’m starting to think we are going to need it! Luckily, the mister loves to cook, so this will be a fun adventure. My contributions are usually more of the baking sort, so when I found these adorable mini pumpkin pies, I just had to share! Tiffany over at Offbeat & Inspired posted this adorable idea last month. Check it out here, for the full recipe and more great pics!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Election Day

Happy Election Day!! Or, for half of the country, it will be a not so happy election day. Well, whichever political side you fall on, why not celebrate voting with these adorable cupcakes! These delightful confections are created by the ladies over at Georgetown Cupcake. Don't forget to vote!